I like to animate and draw.

Age 23, Male


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Just some thoughts about my journey

Posted by Jaquin - 4 days ago

Decided to sit down and write one of these for whoever wants to hear it! I don't usually write or really say anything about myself. But a lot of people do, and I like hearing about what people have to say about their life and their thoughts on things. So I believe there's gotta be someone out there that feels that way about me, so why not.

I've been studying at an animation school for the past 3 years. During that time, I've made Turkey Sandwich and more recently BUNNY³. I wanna talk about these films for a bit.

Turkey Sandwich is an interesting film to me. My biggest struggle as an artist for a while, has always been writing and storytelling, or just coming up with ideas. When I got into drawing and making animations as a kid, I was always facinated by the idea of having good skills at art and animation. I would get so excited and inspired to create some cool looking animation, because i loved seeing stuff like that. And whenever I'd try to sit down and animate something, 90% of the time i just end up being stumped because I don't even have an idea for what I could make in the first place. I'd always hope ideas will come to me as I start, but it never really would. I've struggled with this for a long time. At the time, I would not think about it too much, and just try animating things anyways. animate a piece of audio. animate a thing for a friend. animate a character doing some kind of action. animate wacky perspectives. I knew that if I wanted to be passionate about creating animations, there would be some point where I'd take the next step to finally come up with an idea and utilize all my skills on that idea. Turkey Sandwich ended up becoming that.

Now there were a few other ideas i've come up with in the past that I could've realised before Turkey Sandwich. But alot of it I just could never bring myself to go with it because of how much i would dislike it, but I wouldn't really care, because i went into most of those ideas with the expectation that it will be something i won't like. When the time came to create Turkey Sandwich, because of it being my second year film, it felt like a really big moment. Like this has to be something i have to like. This has to be a story that I will be content with telling. And in the end, I think I sorta achieved that. It was kind of difficult. All I had as an outline for Turkey Sandwich was that there will be a cat going to the park and he will meet a bird. I had no idea what kind of story I wanted to tell. But I forced myself to write something around this and I think it's pretty telling that i was just messing around with the writing if you look at it. Which is kind of what I wanted anyways. I think what I ended up coming up with was weirdly funny. And I was happy about that. I came up with something I thought was worth creating for myself especially for a first original animation.

After that though, I wanted my next thing to really be something I like. Something that's not just a happy accident. I wanted to have a clear vision for what I want this to be. That of course ended up becoming BUNNY³!

This time around, I really wanted to make a change with the way I approach things. I decided to tell a story with no dialogue. Around this time, I started to realize that I don't really enjoy writing dialogue. And once I realized this, I believe my storytelling skills shined way more here than Turkey Sandwich. I had a clear idea from the start. A world full of floating cubes that has bunnies, and tell a romance story between two bunnies told with no dialogue. I really started to think what I really love to come up with this idea. I always thought it'd look cool to have a bunny run and jump around floating cubes. so I bounced off of that. I am pretty proud of this one. Especially with the amazing music by @zanelittle

And now I am in my last year, making my thesis film. I'm in the middle of doing my animatic as I'm writing this. I'm pretty excited to figure this one out. expect it sometime next year!

I'm not really sure what I will do after I graduate. Will I have some animation job? Will I just continue to create things for myself? both? I don't know. I guess I'll see.

So yeah! those are my thoughts and where I'm at! I hope it was interesting to whoever enjoys what I create.

I wanna say thanks to everyone that supports my work. I really really appreciate it. Especially people that came up to me during pico day to say very nice things about my work, that really made me happy. Thank you @tomfulp for creating a great platform to be able to share these kind of creations. I'm always the most excited to share it here.

See ya guys around.



you're somebody that i really wanted to meet on pico day but missed out on >.<

You make some wonderful stuff man! I think with ideas and skills like yours, even if it's not in the way you would have expected, you'll find yourself somewhere happy in life creating more awesome art. Also, thank you for introducing me to Zane's music through your Bunny short, Lotta fun! Cheers : )

very interesting

Thanks for sharing all this! I've loved watching you create more and more impressive works over the years and I'm looking forward to seeing what you make next.

Really fun hearing your stories on your animations! I'm also someone who struggles a bit on writing. At least yours has a big charm to it!

You're an absolute madman and I can't wait to see what you put together next!!